(IConKU) 2024

MAY 27 – 28, 2024 Ball Room Bela International Hotel, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia

Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris (Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology)

Dr. Esa Prakasa, ST, MT (Research Center for Data and Information Sciences, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)

Invited Speakers

Dr. Jonatan Lassa [ Charles Darwin University (CDU) ] Australia

Pavalee Chompoorat Tridtitanakiat, Ph.D (Chiang Mai University/CMU Thailand)

Prof. Zulkefly Abdul Karim (Faculty of Economics and Management, The National University of Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia)

Prof. Rezzy Eko Caraka, Ph.D (Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan and Researcher BRIN)

Ir. Ikram Malan Sangadji, M.Si (Regent Officer of Central Halmahera)

Prof. Dr. Husen Alting, SH.MH (Khairun University, Ternate, Indonesia)

Scientific meetings and discussions among academics are the basic characteristics of global higher education. Development of the field of study and quality of knowledge can be achieved best through knowledge exchange and research collaboration between scientists, both at the national and global levels. With the activities of the 2nd International Conference Khairun University (IConKU 2024) it becomes a forum for exploring ideas and plans for research collaboration between participants. With the scope of Economy, Law, Fisheries, Agriculture, Education, Health, Environment, Culture, Engineering, Social, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics. The implementation of IConKU 2024 has five specific objectives, as follows: 1) Providing a scientific forum for the exchange of scientific data and information across scientific fields about the North Maluku Islands which is open to all global scientists. 2) Increasing the quantity and quality of publications of research results from scientists at Khairun University and other universities in North Maluku. 3) Building communication and exploring research collaboration between scientists at Khairun University and other North Maluku universities and national and global scientists. 4) Contribute scientific data and information to strengthen the sustainable development of North Maluku Province. 5) Strengthen the scientific identity of the North Maluku Islands in the national and global academic world.Held at Khairun University Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia, 27-28 May 2024

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): 2nd International Conference Khairun University (IConKU 2024)

"The Environment, Social, Food, and Culture in the Archipelagic Region"

May 27-28,2024

Published: 2024-06-20

Modern Canning Process of Squid Sauce with Ternate City MSMEs

Hamidin Rasulu, Sri Utami, Yusnaini Yusnaini | Pages: 222-228

Work Discipline and Work Ethic on Employee Performance Mediated by OCB

Nurulhaini Umasugi, Zulaiha Husen, Muhammad Asril Arilaha | Pages: 177-182

Welfare Level of well-being Community the Fish Landing Base (PPI) Tanjung Limau City of Bontang

Muhammad Iqbal, Helminuddin Helminuddin, Wahyu Fahrizal, Fitriyana Fitriyana | Pages: 257 - 265

Sensory Characteristics of Salted Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) with Different Salt Concentrations

Yuliati H Sipahutar, Romauli J Napitupulu, Paulus PR Sitorus | Pages: 170-176

Implementation of Health Belief Model in Incidence of Low Birth Weight Babies: A Bibliometric Analysis

Septiana Juwita, Suwarto Suwarto, Ahmad Arman Subijanto, Sugihardjo Sugihardjo | Pages: 229-236

Optimizing Sustainable Dryland Management for the Development of Shallots Through the Application of Good Agricultural Practices

Sri Anjar Lasmini, Burhanuddin Haji Nasir, Idham Idham, Adam Malik, Samsurizal M Suleman | Pages: 218-221


Shiva Nabila, Abdul Hadi Sirat, Muhammad Asril Arilaha | Pages: 183-187

Analysis Of Fishermen'S Enterprises Gondrong Net In Bontang City East Kalimantan Indonesia

Ardiansyah Ardiansyah, Said Abdusysyahid, Juliani Juliani, Hamdhani Hamdhani, Elly Purnamasari, Fitriyana Fitriyana | Pages: 251 - 256

Reproductive Health Impacts of Child Marriage

Erika Agung Mulyaningsih, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, Sapja Anantanyu, Anik Lestari | Pages: 188-192

Unemployment Concentration and Its Determinants In Java island Provinces In 2008-2022

Mohammad Rizki Novrian Romadhon Syahputra, Sri Rahayu Budi Hastuti | Pages: 237-244

Bringing Food Culture from Archipelagic Area to Land-Based area: Case of a Restaurant in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Sri Fatimah, Hepi Hapsari, Sulistyodewi Nur Wiyono, Eka Purna Yudha | Pages: 165-169

Analyzing The Chemical Composition of Cold Stored Traditional Fish Floss from Ambon City

Vonda Milca Nightingale Lalopua, Sukisman Abdul Halid | Pages: 161-164

Dish Washing Techniques on Colony Count of Cutleries in Food (Coto) Stall in Ternate

Sakriani Sakriani, Aulia Melinda, Purnama Sidebang, Idayani Sangadjisowohy | Pages: 156-160

The Influence of Cultivation Techniques on Oyster Mushroom Production in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia

Yanetri Asi Nion, Untung Darung, Shella Agnessy Jullyta Winerungan, Fengky Florante Adji, Kamillah Kamillah, Evi Feronika Elbaar, Retno Agnestisia | Pages: 145-150

Potential of Organic Waste Management Using Black Soldier Fly for Alternative Fish Feed in Ternate, North Maluku

Nurfadhilah Arif, Sabaruddin, Muh. Hidayah, Tri Laela Wulandari | Pages: 140-144

The Effect of Incubation Time on The Quality of Sexing Simmental Cattle Semen with The BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) Column Method

Langgeng Priyanto, Herdis Herdis, Oktora Dwi Putranti, Santoso Santoso, Pradita Iustitia Sitaresmi, Tri Puji Priyatno, Rahma Isartina Anwar, Agung Budiyanto, Fais Azari | Pages: 126-131

The Effect of Mangosteen Peel Extract Concentration as a Corrosion Inhibitor on Low Carbon Steel in NaCl Media

Rudi Hartono, Witono Hardi , Iwan Gunawan , Utdin Furqon A, Amat Umron | Pages: 102-107

Strategy Development Of Agroforestry at Campus IV Khairun University, Bangko Hamlet, West Halmahera Regency

Mahdi Tamrin, Firlawanti Lestari Baguna, Abdul Kadir Kamaluddin, Fadila Tamnge, Putri Yanti M Hi Ibrahim | Pages: 97-101

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Processed Products with No Heating Method Using a Squeezer and Without a Squeezer

Puji Prastowo, Nurul Huda Panggabean, Dwi Ratna Anjaning Kusuma Marpaung, Findi Septiani, Yossie Ulfa Nuzalifa | Pages: 81-84


Abdulrasyid Tolangara, Rusman Rasyid, Zulkifli Ahmad, Hasna Ahmad, Mahyono Hasanudin, Ummi Kalsum Alting | Pages: 66-71

Factors Influencing Compact Powder Purchasing Decisions Luxcrime on TikTok (Study of Ternate City Community)

Titi Sulistyawati Duwila, Irfandi Buamonabot, Ririn Damayanti | Pages: 29-36

Tourist Attraction and Price Perceptions on Intention to Revisit: Mediator Consumer Satisfaction

Adhini Safirotul Firi, Himawan Sardju, Irfandi Buamonabot | Pages: 17-28

Level of Understanding of Financial Knowledge, Financial Management Behavior and Self-Control

Muhsin N. Bailusy, Hartaty Hadady, Irfandi Buamonabot, Muhammad Thahrim, Ayu Fadilah Umaini | Pages: 1-8
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