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A good assessment is an assessment that meets the principles of assessment, namely: valid, objective, fair, integrated, open, comprehensive and sustainable, systematic, criteria-based, and accountable. The instrument must meet the requirements of substance, construction, and language, have evidence of validity, and reliability. In this study will be reviewed about the instruments that have been used for the UN in 2015 in Yogyakarta area. The study of instruments in this study includes the suitability of latent constructs, indicators of existing items. The purpose of preparing this instrument is to confirm the latent constructs or basic competencies with the items that have been tested in 2015, this research was conducted using secondary data, namely the 2015 national exam data in the form of responses or answers to student exam results in the Yogyakarta area. The steps taken in this study make indicators, difficulty levels and differentiation of items. content validation or AIKEN and confirm latent constructs and UN 2015 items using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) techniques. From the Reliability Estimation results, the largest contribution value to the latent variable seen from the CR value is latent variable B, which is equal to 0.9658 contribution, which indicates that the item for a latent variable (Competence) is a reliable indicator in measuring the latent change. The level of difficulty of the items in UN 2015 packages 1, 2 and 3 of Yogyakarta region is best in item no. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 16, 21, 38, 39, where the difficulty level value is at a moderate level and the differentiating power of 40 items has a good category all. there are 10 items with sufficient validation and 30 items with high validation, meaning that all items can be used again to make measurements. Based on the results of model fit testing, 5 criteria for model fit show good / fit while 3 criteria are not good / fit all loading factor values have a significant effect (unidimensional) on latent variables in first order Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The largest contribution to the latent variable seen from the CR value is latent variable B, which is a contribution of 0.9658, which indicates that the item for a latent variable (Competence) is a reliable indicator in measuring the latent change.
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