Welfare Level of well-being Community the Fish Landing Base (PPI) Tanjung Limau City of Bontang

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Muhammad Iqbal
Helminuddin Helminuddin
Wahyu Fahrizal
Fitriyana Fitriyana


Bontang City has a strategic area with considerable fisheries potential. The existence of the Tanjung Limau Fish Landing Base in Bontang City is expected to contribute to improving the welfare of the surrounding community. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of community welfare around the Tanjung Limau PPI in Bontang City. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling method with a total of 60 respondents, consisting of fishermen and the general public. The data were analyzed using the welfare level method based on the 2016 Central Statistics Agency. The results showed that 95% or 58 respondents had a welfare level with high criteria while the remaining 5% or 2 people had a welfare level in the medium category.

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