About the Journal

This proceeding published all of articles which presented in the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Economy in Small Islands (IC-SDGESI) 2023.  The scope focuses to all aspects that related to the theme Strengthening Resilience of the Agricultural Sector in Supporting Sustainable Development Through the Integrated MBKM Program. 

As part of the FKPTPI (Indonesian Agricultural College Communication Forum) activities, this proceeding hopefully will great moment for all participants who attending, presenting and talking about their research. Together to strengthening the cooperation amongs and between the institutions who participate and making MoU. 

So, we will be satisfied if you want to cite the articles, please refer to the author rights, by include the link, DOI and articles name, based on international rules. 

As the publisher, Faculty of Agriculture, Khairun University would thanks to the Rector Dr. M. Ridha Ajam, M.Hum, the 3rd Vice Rector, H. Abdul Kadir Kamaluddin, SP., M.Si. Thank to all Guest Editors, all reviewers, who want working together with the publication team. Also, the great pleasure to local sponshorship which come along the conference, both from companies, people and all Steering Committee who working together, before, during and after the event of FKPTPI and the conference. 

This proceeding dedicated to celebrate the 59 years of Khairun University, and the 78 years of Indonesia Independent Day,  2023.   

Ternate, 23 of August 2023


The Publication Section