Proceeding of The International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Economy in Small Islands, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia <p>Proceeding of International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Economy in Small Islands provides all of the articles which published during the international conference in Ternate (23 August 2023) both from oral presentation participants and poster participants. Despite, some of participants would publish their full articles in other journal. </p> <p>This proceeding will separate in four main scopes of agriculture. </p> en-US (Aisjah Rachmawaty Ryadin) (Nurfadhilah Arif) Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 The Effect Of Longterm Drying On The Quality Of Canary Seed Oil (Canarium Sp) With And Without Epidermis <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Walnut seeds are one of the Indonesian plants that are widely used as food. Walnut kernels are usually eaten fresh, roasted, as a kitchen spice, topping for ice cream, and walnut kernel oil is usually used to cook food. North Maluku has two types of canaries, including the Ifa Tamate and Ifa Wagol canaries. These two types of walnuts have different shapes and sizes of fruit and walnut seeds. Making walnut oil from these two types of walnut kernels has never been done before. Walnut seeds are coated with epidermis which contains carotenoid pigments and is rich in phenolic components. The use of walnut seeds does not only extend to their use as a food ingredient, walnut seeds also have a high fat composition so they have the potential to be a raw material for making vegetable oils, walnut seed oil is produced from extracting walnut kernels using several methods such as mechanical pressing or extraction with organic solvents. . This research aims to determine the effect of drying time on the chemical quality characteristics of Ifa Wagol walnut seed oil with and without epidermis made from local North Maluku walnuts. The research method used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with an ANOVA test if there was a significant difference (p&lt;0.05) then continued with the DMRT test with 6 treatments and 3 replications, so that 18 experimental units were obtained. This treatment uses a temperature of 70oC with different drying times, namely 1 hour without epidermis, 3 hours without epidermis, 5 hours without epidermis, 1 hour with epidermis, 3 hours with epidermis, 5 hours with epidermis. The results of the research were that the drying time and different treatments had a real influence on the water content of dried walnuts between 2.64% - 3.92% and the fat content of dried walnuts 62.49% - 67.83%. The fat content of walnut oil ranges from 98.36% - 99.38%. Caratenoid levels ranged from 555.23 mg/100g - 1107.56 mg/100g. Free fatty acid levels ranged from 0.47% - 1.48%. The value of fresh walnut kernels, water content 4.255%, ash content 3.494%, fat content 61.598%, protein content 14.711%, carbohydrate content 12.319% and crude fiber 3.620%.</p> <p>&nbsp;Key words: <em>Walnuts, Walnut Kernel Oil, Drying Time</em></p> Mustamin Anwar Masuku, Angela Wulansari, Erwin Abdul Aziz Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of The International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Economy in Small Islands, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia Thu, 04 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis For Flowers Pollinated Test in Several Inbred Melon (Cucumis melo L.) <p>Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is an annual fruit plant from the Cucurbitaceae family. The economic value and diverse benefits make melon one of the commodities widely cultivated by various countries, including Indonesia. From 2010 to 2021, national melon consumption per capita increased. In addition, starting in 2022, melon became one of the nation's main export commodities. Therefore, melon has the potential to continue to be developed, one of which is through the development of superior seeds. The development of a superior seed aims to obtain a unique type of melon that meets market needs and can adapt to various environmental conditions. There are several methods to produce superior melon seeds, one of which is artificial hybridization. Initial considerations in selecting a hybrid parent include cross-pollination between inbreds. This research aimed to determine the percentage of flowers pollinated by the combination of cross-pollination and selfpollination in some melon inbreds and the yielding character of a combination of cross-pollination and self-pollination in some melon inbreds. The research was conducted at Brawijaya University, located in Donowarih Village, Karangploso Subdistrict, Malang Regency, in March–June 2021. The planting materials used are eight inbred melons, including three as female parents (ACL211390, ACL221402, and ACL231312) and five as male parents (ACD211303, ACD211254, ACD221362, ACD231380, and ACL211402). Some other materials include planting media (soil and manure), fertilizers, pesticides, EM4, and water. Pollination consists of five combinations of cross-pollination and self-pollination in each inbred female parent. The observational variables of this research are the percentage of flowers pollinated, fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit length, thickness of fruit meat, <br />number of seeds per fruit, and sweetness of fruit. Observational data is analyzed using unpaired student t-tests at the 5% level. The average percentage of flowers pollinated shows varied values and does not get a 100% value in the entire sample plant, but all pollination combinations have a value of &gt; 0%. This is because pollination of three hermaphrodite flowers (the female parent) on <br />each sample plant is done at different times. There is a combination of cross-pollination that has an average yield character (fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit length, thickness of fruit meat, number of seeds per fruit, and sweetness of fruit) higher or lower than self-pollination. Differences in pollen sources are responsible for differences in the character of outcomes between pollination combinations with the same female parents. The t-test results between inbred ACL211390, ACL221402, and ACL231312 (female parent) showed significance in some yield characters. This indicates that inbred ACL211390, ACL221402, and ACL231312 can become inbred parents when producing hybrids of specific characters.</p> <p><br />Keywords: Pollination, flowers, inbred lines, melon</p> Afifuddin Latif Adiredjo, Binti Nur Kholifah, Radin Bayu Putra Ajidin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of The International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Economy in Small Islands, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of the Factors Causing a Decline in Soil Quality and Their Solutions as an Effort to Increase Agricultural Productivity in Dry Areas <p>West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is an area that has abundant agricultural resources apart from the tourism sector. Generally, the climate in NTB is tropical, which is in the southern part of Lombok, namely in the Central Lombok area. The technique of determining the location and population was carried out using a purposive sampling method, meaning that the population used as a research sample was a population that met specific sample criteria according to the research objectives, and what had to be represented depended on the assessment or considerations of the researcher. Meanwhile, the data analysis used was descriptive data analysis, quantitative with multiple linear regression analysis, t-tests, and F-tests, and qualitative descriptive analysis using interview techniques with questionnaires, counseling, and FGD. The stages of the research are surveys, interviews, distribution of respondents, forum group discussion (FGD), counseling, and evaluation. Land conversion, excessive use of pesticides, and burning of crop residues were carried out on this basis by the Forum Group Discussion (FGD), which aims to provide solutions to existing problems. From the results of multiple linear regression testing, there is a significant relationship between the variable Y (level of agricultural productivity) in Pujut District and the factors that cause a decrease in soil quality or soil degradation (variable X) that occurs at the research location with the results of the regression equation, namely Y=5,398+0.97X<sub>1</sub>+0.125X<sub>2</sub>+0886X<sub>3</sub>+0.861X<sub>4</sub>. The regression equation results show a strong relationship between the decline in soil quality and the factors causing the decline in soil quality in the Pujut sub-district.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;<em>Agricultural Productivity; Dry Area; Soil Quality</em></p> Muh. Ansyar, Herdiana Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of The International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Economy in Small Islands, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Seasonal Assessment of Rice Planting and Growing Cycle in North Aceh, Indonesia: A SAM Approach on Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery <p>Observing the growing season and planting are essential to maintaining the sustainability of rice <br />plants and food availability in the region. Conventionally, the observation and monitoring of rice <br />plants are carried out manually by direct observation in the field. Those activities do indeed take <br />time and are costly. Therefore, the utilization of medium-resolution satellite imagery is an alternative <br />way to monitor the growing season of paddy fields in the rice production center of North Aceh. <br />North Aceh is one of the leading rice production centers in the country; monitoring the planting <br />season and growth cycle of paddy rice are essential aspects of maintaining rice production. <br />Conventionally, mapping and assessing plant growth in plant morphology can be known by <br />regularly monitoring every season. One way to monitor changes in the growing season for future <br />predictions, even though time has passed, is to use satellite imagery. This study aims to map the<br />area and phase level of rice plant growth in Aceh rice production centers in the North Aceh <br />regency. Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) on Sentinel-2 imagery to map the spatial distribution of <br />paddy fields in different phases of the rice growing season from 2019 to 2022. Growth parameters <br />were extracted with index vegetation series to evaluate the image's ability to provide information on <br />the rice plant growth stage from Sentinel-2 imagery. To estimate the phase rate of rice growth, <br />spectral angle mapper analysis on Sentinel-2 images has been piloted to assist in estimating the <br />growth phase in each season and its spatial distribution. The mapping of rice plants' growing season <br />and growth showed differences in area distribution for the districts observed in the wet, vegetative, <br />generative, and dry fallow phases in 2022. SAM algorithms produced different data on the growth <br />phase of rice plants.<br />Keywords: Paddy-Rice, Growing Cycle, SAM, Sentinel-2 Imagery</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Sugianto Sugianto, Muhammad Rusdi, Hairul Basri, Muhammad Iqbal, Yulia Dewi Fazlina Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of The International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Economy in Small Islands, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia Thu, 01 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Agroedutourism-Based Community Empowerment Strategy as the Implementation of a Sustainable Agriculture Program in Batulaya Village, West Sulawesi <p style="font-weight: 400;">Empowerment of communities as a concept of economic development encapsulates social values. Agroedutourism is one of the creative economic potentials in the agricultural sector that can have a positive impact on improving the welfare of the community. The development of agriculture-based sustainable agroedutourism integrates the excellent potential of Batulaya Village by conducting a mapping of internal and external factors analyzed using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). The number of respondents and community empowerment partners are 30 individuals, consisting of Batulaya Village government officials, youth groups, farmer groups, and the PKK groups (Family Welfare Movement). The strengths include infrastructure, transportation access, natural resources, human resources, and land. Opportunities include educational activities and cultural tourism often carried out in Batulaya Village. The appropriate development strategy for Batulaya Village's agroedutourism is leveraging the natural resources and tourism potential to attract community members or tourists to visit. Socialization, mentoring, and training have been conducted for hydroponic and aquaponic cultivation of plants, as well as the management of organic household waste in Batulaya Village using the Black Soldier Fly (BSF). BSF infrastructure has been established to produce maggots that can be used as fish feed in the aquaponic system and generate organic fertilizer for hydroponics. Therefore, these three systems mutually support each other and are sustainable for sustainable agricultural agroedutourism in Batulaya Village. The village government focuses on developing appropriate and sustainable agricultural products, thus providing clearer direction for land management and investment allocation. Feasibility of investment and future agroedutourism development can be maximized and more focused.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> Ariandi, Masniawati A, Haloho RD, Nurdin MRTJP, Manguntungi B, Aslam M, Muis N, Wahid M Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of The International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Economy in Small Islands, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Family Socioeconomic Factor of Child Stunting in Bangko Village, West Halmahera <p>Stunting is caused by chronic inadequate intake of nutrition that affects the growth of children. It is identified by the standard of height for age using WHO growth chart. A child identifies as stunting if the z-score is below -3 SD. North Maluku is one of province in Indonesia which has prevalence of stunting higher than the national prevalence. This study aimed to determine family socioeconomic factors that caused stunting in Bangko Village, West Halmahera, North Maluku. As much as 30 children between 0-12 years old were selected as the subject of research. The subjects were measured for weight, height, and age. Socioeconomic data was obtained by interviewing the parents of the child. Research data was analyzed using chi-square and fisher’s exact test. The result showed more than three quarter of children were either severe or moderate stunted and 30% children with severe stunting were underweight. Parents level of education, mother’s occupation, the number of family in one household were not significantly related to stunting status of children. Whereas, father’s occupation was significant related to stunting. Furthermore, children with stunting status mostly had father who work as a farmer, while children with normal high for age status mostly had father who work as a fisherman.</p> <p>Keywords : under nutrition, father occupation, height for age, stunting</p> Angela Wulansari, Abu Rahmat Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of The International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Economy in Small Islands, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000