The primary review system in Pharmacy Rorano Journal is double-blind peer review. With this system, the identities of both the Authors and the Reviewers will be concealed from each other. Manuscripts submitted to Pharmacy Rorano Journal will undergo a significant process to ensure that they carry novelty and quality that appeal to the journal’s readership.
There are at least five stages of the review process implemented by Pharmacy Rorano Journal :
a. Initial Screening :
Our Editorial Board members will assess the newly submitted manuscript for its conformity with the requirements, the manuscript’s feasibility with our Focus and Scope, as well as the quality of the content in general. A manuscript that does not pass the initial screening will be declined and returned to the Author promptly.
b. Peer-review :
A manuscript that passes the initial screening process will be eligible to be sent to our Reviewers. In this stage, our Editorial Assistant will ensure all individual or private information about the Authors, including the Authors’ affiliation and Acknowledgement section, are removed from the submitted file. A single manuscript will be reviewed by two reviewers. The Editorial Assistant will be responsible for combining the two review reports. The Editorial Board members will make a decision in case the two reports contradict each other. However, it is also possible to have only one Reviewer return the report to the Editorial Board. This review process may take three to six months.
c. First decision :
A decision letter will be sent to the Author based on the reports from the Reviewers and the recommendation from the Editorial Board members. The decision can be: Declined (rejected), Revision Required (either major or minor), Accept Submission as is, or Resubmit for Review.
d. Revision Stage :
d. Final decision :
The final decision of the manuscript is either accepted or declined. A manuscript that is accepted and considered to be published in Pharmacy Rorano Journal will receive an electronic Letter of Acceptance (LOA) via e-mail. At this stage, a revised manuscript that is deemed inadequate or has not seemed to have significant improvement will be declined. Please be informed that the Letter of Acceptance in PDF format is issued upon request.