Modern Canning Process of Squid Sauce with Ternate City MSMEs

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hamid Hamidin Rasulu
Sri Utami
Yusnaini Yusnaini


Sambel squid is one of the traditional foods of North Maluku made from dried squid. This dish has a spicy and savory taste. So that this activity aims to carry out PKM Sambel Cumi with a Modern Canning Process with Asaompu Production Ternate MSMEs. Squid sambel products made by Asaompu Production Ternate MSMEs have been marketed in the form of bottle packaging and standing pouches. Simple packaging causes sambel squid products to not be stored for a long time. With the implementation of PKM activities, it has an impact on increasing added value and also competitive product innovation and encouraging business actors to develop other traditional food industries with modern canning systems. Squid sambel only lasts for approximately 1 week at room temperature and 1 month if stored in the refrigerator and if packaged in bottles and standing pouches can last 3-4 months. The solution to overcome this problem is to apply canning technology in the packaging of squid sambel . Canning food can extend the shelf life by up to 1 – 2 years. The shelf life of a product greatly affects the amount of production, sales, and distribution of a food product. So far, squid sambel products produced by Asaompu Production Ternate MSMEs can be marketed outside Ternate, increasing production volume, and increasing MSME income.

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