Pelatihan Kewirausahaan untuk Anak-anak Putus Sekolah di Kelurahan Sango
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Training on making patterned bags has been carried out to provide knowledge and entrepreneurial skills for school dropouts in Sango Village. The main goal of this training is to equip participants with the ability to design, manufacture, and market unique and creative bag products. The methods used include theoretical learning, bag making practices, and simple marketing training. The results showed that the participants were enthusiastic and actively participated in each stage of the training. They are able to master the basic techniques of making bags, starting from design design, patterns, cutting, sewing, to finishing. In addition, the briefing related to simple marketing strategies has helped participants understand how to market and sell their bag products effectively. Overall, this training has had a positive impact on participants in acquiring new skills, developing creativity, and preparing themselves to become creative entrepreneurs. However, continuous assistance and support are needed, such as providing business capital assistance or wider marketing access, so that participants can develop their businesses optimally. Other recommendations include advanced training, collaboration with related parties, provision of supporting facilities, and periodic evaluation and monitoring of participants' business developments.