Pemberdayaan Kelompok Tani Wanita Melalui Pemanfaatan Biomassa Tanaman Pisang Sebagai Poc Dan Kegunaanya Pada Tanaman Sayuran Di Dusun Bangko Kabupaten Halmahera Barat
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Empowerment is the effort of a group or community that takes the initiative to start a process of social activities to improve their own situation and conditions. Empowerment can also help farmers overcome difficulties and improve their welfare. The community partnership is a community service program that integrates academic activities with the dharma of service in order to create soft skills and hard skills according to what the community needs. The aim of this service activity was to increase the farmers’ awareness in farmer groups who are the partners, so that they want to know and adopt science, skills, and technology by producing environmentally friendly liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) from banana biomass. The implementation of this community service activity was carried out using counseling and training methods in making LOC and its application, which started from preparing the raw materials for making LOC until processing them into liquid organic fertilizer products from banana biomass and the application of LOC to horticultural crops (vegetables). The application of LOC was predicted to reduce the use of chemical materials, so it is hoped that it will produce higher-quality vegetables.